Mumbai Monorail, Mumbai
Maharastha India (2009)
Mumbai Monorail Line stretches 19 km long running through a densely populated and highly intricate urban geometry. Monosist was part of consortium lead by PJSI Consultant KL, responsible for providing preliminary concept design and planning of the stations and depot building.
Leveraging its experience on Kuala Lumpur Monorail who poses almost similar urban design challenges, Monosist had designed a typical 64 meter long station located in 17 locations in the midst of diversified growing city of Mumbai. A central column supporting station structure is adopted to avoid tempering with massive underground utilities at both sides of roads throughout the whole alignment. Special attention has been given to analise crowd dynamic impact to ensure efficient crowd control in station. 2 station entries is adopted to split entraining passenger load into half. Space efficiency is achieved by reducing station concourse into half of station footprint .
Structural concept was quite similar to KL solution where main columns are located along the road median supporting post tension beam that span across the road. This structure will provide a strong support to the platform above that forms series of spaces for entirely elevated elements.